Art Container
Parque Villa Lobos, SP

- Total area
- 1.200,00 m²
- Conclusion
- 2008
- Office
- Bernardes + Jacobsen Arquitetura
- Office's Team
- Daniel Vannucchi, Edgar Murata, Fernanda Maeda, Gabriel Bochile, Rafael Henrique de Oliveira

The artist Arthur Lescher contacted us with the challenge of composing a contemplation space, circulation and entertainment with containers. The concept was based on the use of the physical and mechanical properties of the object to compose a square of exhibitions of video-art international.
The containers have as characteristic to be a volume solemnity-structure, piled up, transportable and modulated in the horizontal and vertical senses without the auxiliary need of structure increment in the spaces creation, points that influenced the installation inside of the park.
The containers when piled up are structured amongst themselves just by the extremities through shoes with dimensions of 15 X 15 cm and locked pin, avoiding possible damages on the pavement of the existent concrete squares.
For the composition of the area of exhibition of the event, twelve modules of 6 meters were used serving as base for 6 suspended modules of 12m, leaning in two points of the inferior module, and used as covering as well.
To create a really inviting space, it was necessary the use a system of cooling, type split, which could maintain a comfortable temperature inside the modules.
In order to keep the fluidity of the park, not interfering with the circulation but intervening in the existent landscape, the project works with the rhythm 2. 1. 1. 2. 1, creating three strips of horizontal circulation that keep the flow of the esplanade and, at the same time, stimulates the users to pass through the area of the exhibition.
The implantation explored the visibility axis in the access to the park and of the esplanade of the existent concrete. Thus, the composition is about a great installation inside the park, which can be seen from the main street access.